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Your Voice Counts! 
The Arc-Dane County Votes

Increasing awareness and ensuring that the IDD community exorcises it's right to vote in 2024.
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Self-Advocates from The Arc-Dane County worked together to put these videos out about why they vote.

Voting is very important.

It is a way for you to help choose the people that will run our government.

Our government makes laws, decides how money gets spent, and much more.

Who gets picked to run the government makes a big difference for people with disabilities and their families.

If you do not vote, then you do not get a say in what happens.




Join other members and supporters of
The Arc-Dane County and sign The Arc's Pledge to Vote!

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Disability and voter turnout:   There has been a stubborn disability voting gap of 6-7 points in general elections.
Do people with disabilities care less about elections?
No: Surveys in 2016 and 2018 showed they were more likely than people without disabilities to:
say they follow the campaign closely
say “It really matters who wins the election”
be “extremely interested” in the elections ( and
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The Self-Determination Channel & The BPDD video on the importance of voting in local elections.

The links and information provided comes from:  

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How and where do I vote?

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Who and what am I voting for in Dane County?

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What are my rights as a voter with IDD?

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